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  • Writer's pictureKirby

Because one simply cannot go without the other

Let's get real for a minute here. My life gets pretty chaotic being a mom of two toddlers. My eldest is 3.5 and my youngest is turning 2 in April. She is already in her "terrible twos" phase and copies everything her big brother does.

Us moms know, that we would love those extra 15 minutes of sleep, or the private bathroom moments or even a minute of silence. I must admit, motherhood can get overwhelming. I will not go further into any details about this, but I found a solution (hooray!).

After some research in my fabulous oil support groups, I decided to blend something not only for them, but also for myself. Cause I need to cope and react to all their "toddler issues" during the day and I just need this stuff too and why would I not make a roller for myself?

Tadaaaa: Here it is: A Happy Mother and Happy Toddler Roller-ball bottle.

The Happy Mother/ Toddler oil blend:

* Joy

* Ylang Ylang / Lavender

* Peace & Calming

* Orange

To promote calming and uplifting feelings for the busy toddler and enhances happiness and joyful feelings for mommy.

It is simply a win-win!

To give you a little background information on Young Living's Joy oil blend:

Joy™ essential oil is a blend of Young Living’s most inviting oils, with Ylang Ylang, Geranium, Jasmine, Palmarosa, and Rose essential oil. Joy oil has a fresh, floral aroma with notes of citrus from the essential oils of Bergamot, Lemon, and Tangerine. Apply Joy essential oil blend topically and wear it as a fragrance to invite togetherness.

If you would like to try this combination, please contact me and I will blend it for you.

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