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  • Writer's pictureKirby

Ever wonder how to use essential oils?

Here are 6 simple ways to use essential oils, whether you are using a blend or the pure drops of essential oils.

Just make sure you are aware of the type of essential oils you are using. Some oils are considered "hot" oils such as Eucalyptus and should always be diluted with a carrier oil prior to topical (directly on skin) use. Exposure to sun is also a no-no when using hot oils topically.

Another side note is that proper dilution is required when using essential oils on babies and kids. Due to their very sensitive skin, dilution with a carrier oil is necessary. Always use essential oils and/ or blends solely on the feet first and work your way up as the baby gets older.

Remember, essential oils are are heavily concentrated plant extracts. As an example, one drop of Young Living’s essential peppermint oil equals the strength of 28 cups of peppermint tea! Even though this might not seem like a lot, a drop or two is often plenty enough.

Lastly, please read the labels of the oils you are using. Unfortunately not all oils are 100% pure therapeutic grade even though they claim to be.

For more information on the usage or type of essential oils, please send me a message. I would love to help you out.

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