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  • Writer's pictureKirby

How alkaline are you?

I wanted to share this post with you, which I saw from one of my Essential Oil groups. So here goes:

“The more acidic a person is, the less they are going to respond to the oils. The more alkaline you are, the more you are going to respond to the oils. The more alkaline you are, the higher your frequency is going to be.” - Gary Young

What causes acidity in the body?

Sugar, caffeine, grains, junk food, alcohol, meat.

What causes your body to be more alkaline?

Leafy greens, low glycemic fruits like berries and grapefruit, apple cider vinegar, drinking lemon in your water, taking the Alkaline supplement.

We want to make our bodies capable of having amazing results with oils. When we don't focus on what is going IN our bodies, our bodies are too busy trying to reset to even see the results. Side effects like rashes when using oils are from the body detoxing or having emotional stresses on it.

How are you going to be more alkaline today? What do you do to support your body in this way?

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